- (一)、真人圖書館不定期設定主題,採網路預約方式提供讀者借閱,不接受現場借閱。預約資料經本館確認核可後,以電子郵件通知讀者相關訊息和借閱注意事項。
- (二)、每本真人圖書館藏每次借閱人數一至八人。
- (三)、借閱前,請先詳閱真人圖書借閱規則。
- (四)、借閱人數一至二人者,每次借閱以30分鐘為原則,必要時得延長至45分鐘。借閱人數三至八人者,每次借閱時間45分鐘,必要時得延長至60分鐘。
- (五)、若無他人預約,在真人圖書與讀者雙方同意之下,可向館員辦理續借1次30分鐘,且以1次為限。
- (六)、真人圖書借閱完畢後,請至圖書館流通櫃台辦理還書,結束雙方關係,並回饋意見。
- (一)、借閱者應尊重真人圖書的生命經歷,並尊重彼此的差異。
- (一)、不得侵犯真人圖書之隱私,對話若超越真人圖書借閱活動所訂定之交流主題範疇,真人圖書得以拒絕回答提問或終止借閱。
- (三)、為尊重個人隱私,除得到真人圖書的事前同意,不得在借閱過程中與前後錄音、錄影或拍照。
- (四)、每次借閱活動完畢,雙方關係即結束。請勿在交流過程中向真人圖書索取或交換個人聯絡資料。
- (五)、借閱過程中,借閱者與真人圖書若有任何不當言行,如謾罵、侮辱、詆毀、騷擾、人身攻擊等,圖書館有權終止借閱,衍生之相關法律責任由雙方自行承擔。
The Borrowing Regulations of Living Books, National Cheng Kung University Library
I. National Cheng Kung University Library ("the Library" hereafter) holds the borrowing activities of Living Books to eliminate isolation and misunderstanding between people. We hope to invite volunteers with special experience of life to become part of our occasional Living Books collection in order to broaden the readers' horizons. The following regulations are created to facilitate the borrowing of Living Books.
II. The venues of Living Books borrowing activities will be located at the Multifunctional Area on the eastern side of the 1st Floor.
III. Only faculty, staff and students of NCKU can borrow the Living Books.
IV. The borrowing procedure:
- 1. The Human Library will hold theme activities occasionally. Readers may make their reservations via the Internet. No on-the-spot borrowing is available. After the reservation is approved by the Library, readers will be notified by emails of related information and borrowing regulations.
- 2. Each Living Book can be borrowed each time by a party of 1-8 borrower(s).
- 3. Before borrowing, please read the Living Books borrowing regulations carefully.
- 4. For 1-2 borrower(s), each borrowing is limited at 30 minutes and can be extended to 45 minutes when necessary. For 3-8 borrower(s), each borrowing is limited at 45 minutes and can be extended to 60 minutes when necessary.
- 5. Upon mutual agreement of both parties, the borrower(s) can contact the librarians to renew the Living Book one time for another 30 minutes if no one else has placed a hold on it.
- 6. Please return the Living Book to the circulation desk of the Library after completion, where the two parties cede connection and give some feedback.
V. Borrower Etiquette:
- 1. The borrower(s) should respect the Living Book's life experience and respect each other's differences.
- 2. The Living Book's privacy should not be violated. If the dialogue goes beyond the theme / paradigm of interaction designated in the borrowing regulation, the Living Books can refuse to answer questions or terminate the borrowing activities.
- 3. To respect privacy, unless specific advance permission has been obtained from the Living Book, no photographs, audio or video recordings are allowed during, before or after the conversation.
- 4. The relation between the two parties is terminated upon the completion of the borrowing activity. Please do not request personal contact information of the Living Book.
- 5. In the process of borrowing, if any improper language or behavior is passed between the Living Book and borrower(s), like cursing, insulting, slandering, harassing, personal attacking, etc. The Library has the right to terminate the borrowing, and both parties should take the legal liability.