國立成功大學圖書館遺失物管理系統 - 遺失物查詢網頁
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 國立成功大學圖書館遺失物管理系統 - 遺失物查詢網頁(讀者端)
Log NoDateItem DescriptionLocation
CMC2024050062024-05-02收納包 storage bag(空) Main Lib. 3F
CMC2024050052024-05-02健保卡 NHI card (李O財)Outside the Main Lib.
CMC2024050042024-05-02水壺 water bottle(藍色 /太和工房) Main Lib. 2F
CMC2024050032024-05-01M-甜心卡Main Lib. 1F
CMC2024050022024-05-01充電座(黑色 /藍芽耳機用)Main Lib. B2F
CMC2024050012024-05-01影印資料*1箱(A4 紙箱裝)Main Lib. B2F
CMC2024040912024-04-29資料夾(L夾 /高橋 OO子) Main Lib. 5F
CMC2024040902024-04-29隨身瓶 water bottle (透明 /方形) Main Lib. 3F
CMC2024040892024-04-29行動電源 /power bankMain Lib. 1F
CMC2024040862024-04-27雨傘 umbrella (深藍色)Main Lib. B2F
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Lost and Found items will be dated and stored at the Circulation / Service Desk for one month. To claim a lost item, the owner must provide identification and contact the Circulation/Service Desk of the library where he/she lost the item during the operating hours. After the holding period, all unclaimed items will then be given or disposed of in accordance with relevant regulations.
National Cheng Kung University Library Guidelines for Handling of Picked Up Lost Properties